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Pogonomyrmex occidentalis ||Live Queen|| [Western Harvester Ant]

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis ||Live Queen|| [Western Harvester Ant]

Regular price $70.99CAD
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Worker in colony

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Harvester Ants) for sale! 

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, is one of Canada's best ant species that we sell on our shop; and make a great first ant colony for new keepers!

They are bad at climbing (very easy to contain). Do not hibernate (will be active all year-round). Most importantly, they create long foraging trails and have engaging feeding responses! Additionally, they require very little maintenance since they are able to sustain themselves off of just seeds. Making them a great species for people who might not be able to care for them for a while! 

Care Guide:

Harvester ants in general can be a little sensitive, but their success rates are still high. 


Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Western harvester ants) can live on a full granivorous diet consisting of seeds; they will accept a larger diversity of seeds as the colony grows. Insects and other carbohydrates are still needed for optimal growth. These ants are very opportunistic and will accept a wide variety of foods. 

Founding harvester colonies should always have seeds available 24/7. (Recommended to use dandelion or thistle seeds.) 

Queens in founding colonies will generally break the seeds until the larger generation of workers appear. 

Temperature and Humidity:

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis should be kept as close as possible to 29-32C for optimal growth; and humidity between 50-70% (Relatively high humidity.)

These ants do not require hibernation and are active all year round! 

Ant nest

Alongside the ants we sell; we provide suitable ant nests for Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Western harvester ants). They will thrive in any of our nests that use plaster, such as the Formicastellum or Formisquarium!

When choosing the size of the formicarium, the colony should take up at least 40%+ of the nest capacity to ensure the colony doesn't feel vulnerable and stressed.


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